Rev. Ross Ryan
Senior Minister
I love talking about Jesus who has changed my life and others in our church. I would welcome the opportunity to talk about how Jesus can make a difference in your life. Give me a call and I’ll shout you a coffee.
I love my wife Shellie, my four children, and son-in-law. I love sharing a meal with friends, all sports, the beach, the snow, camping, and coffee……
Phone Ross
0414 279 054

Yoke Yen Lee
Children’s Pastor
AKA Yoki… loves her crazy big Asian family, loves sharing life with her friends, loves eating food (especially bacon and anything with chocolate), loves watching makeover design shows like Fixer Upper, but the greatest love of her life is Jesus, whom has completely turned her life upside-down by his amazing love.
Phone Yoki
0447 900 111

Logan Brailey
Youth Pastor
Logan joined the BAC pastoral team with Ross and Yoki in the capacity of an MTS trainee. Previously, Logan was a trainee at Figtree Anglican Church in the Wollongong region while he undertook studies at Youthworks College. Logan’s role at BAC primarily focuses upon youth ministry. Logan is a sports nut, and a big kid at heart. Logan is a solid Christ-centred support for the youth of the Blakehurst community.
Phone Logan
0434 670 131
Barbara Van Waart
Safe Ministry Representative